Digital timesheet tracking is now mandatory in Scandinavia. How to stay legal in the easy way?

Digital timesheet tracking is now mandatory in Scandinavia. How to stay legal in the easy way?

Have you heard about the new time-tracking rules for construction businesses in Scandinavia?

Starting July 1, 2024, all employers in Denmark must implement a time-tracking system to document employee working hours. Employers are required to record the total number of daily working hours, rather than specific work periods. This may sound complicated and intimidating for employees, but we have a solution – a product which is extremely easy to use. With the system, your company will meet Scandinavian rules and help your business to save money.

Read more about here.

Why Choose

Legal Compliance: In Scandinavia, it’s mandatory to track worker hours digitally. is built to comply with these regulations to stay legal and help businesses to earn more money.

Easy to Use: with you don’t have to download any apps or make registration. Any worker can quickly adapt to the system. supports multiple languages, including English, Lithuanian, and Russian.

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Key Features and Benefits: 

  • Check-in Check-out time tracking: track your workers’ working hours by GPS location.
  • Project Management Tools: calendar function, project list, and economy part.
  • Pictures and comments: from all projects in one place.
  • Signed-off Hours function: for verification of total project hours digitally.
  • Inventory Management: tools and inventory management system.
    Read more about here.


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