Hourly time tracking by GPS location: simple and effective

Hourly time tracking by GPS location for construction companies

Cost efficiency - save time and money
Accuracy - work hours tracking directly from the job site
Security - prevent lost work hours
Accountability - increase employee responsibility
User-friendly - available in Lithuanian, English, and Russian
Valandų apskaita pagal GPS lokaciją

How Hourly time tracking by GPS location feature boosts efficiency and simplifies business operations?

Employee location tracking during work hours
Saves money and time
Prevents time theft
Reduces the risk of conflicts
Boost in productivity guaranteed
Increases project efficiency

Simple for you, easier for your employees

Easily track GPS location in real-time
Employees can easily add photos and comments
Professional time reports for you and your clients
No need to register or download an app
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Real-time workforce monitoring in construction

Easily create multiple GPS locations

Create unlimited GPS locations for all your projects
Assign specific employees to each location
English, Russian, and Lithuanian languages
Easy to use for all employees

How to set a GPS zone?

Easily add a GPS location to new or existing projects. Choose a location on the map or enter an address, and customize the work zone radius to fit where your employees will operate..

Image link
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Monitor employee accountability

The hours report shows all key employee shift statistics.

Worksite location coordinates
Comments and hours worked
Alert for employee login or logout outside GPS zone
Explanation for employee leaving the worksite

How much can you save with Worker.nu - Hourly time tracking by GPS location

Enter your number of employees and projects below to calculate your potential savings with the Worker.nu system. Save money by automating administrative tasks and reducing manual workload.

How much you spend for "Worker" system
How much do you save per month?
How much do you save per year?

Choose a product to start with:

Worker.nu offers the best value in its class. Focus on savings, not spending

Time tracking plan

5 €/mo.

per employee

Detailed hour reports (.pdf, .xls)
Calendar function
Photos and comments for quality control
SMS notifications to employees
Leave, vacation, and sick day tracking
VIP support with presentation assistance
Time tracking + Tool control

7 €/mo.

per employee

Tool tracking and control
Warehouse inventory management
Detailed hour reports (.pdf, .xls)
Complete project list
Photos and comments for quality control
SMS notifications to employees
Tool control

5 €/mo.

per employee

Tool and warehouse inventory tracking
Tool list with search functionality
QR code stickers for easy tool identification
Tool usage and cost reports
VIP support and presentation assistance
Monthly warehouse balancing checks
Clear Tracking, No Misunderstandings
Employees log their hours daily and add comments on completed tasks, eliminating any potential misunderstandings about time spent at work.
User-Friendly for All Ages
Designed to be simple and intuitive, our program is accessible to all – even senior employees can use it with ease.
Your Data is 100% Secure
We guarantee that only authorized personnel will have access to your company’s data, ensuring complete security.

Our system has more features!

Worker.nu offers many other useful features that will help you manage your business efficiently. Hourly time tracking by GPS location for constuction companies

Over 150 satisfied clients


Success stories from Worker.nu users

About us

Hello! We are Worker.nu – an innovative platform created by Lithuanians, built on the experience of our founders, Mantas and Mindaugas, in the construction sector. Our main goal is simple and efficient work hour documentation that makes tasks easier for both managers and employees.

Mantas and Mindaugas, with years of experience in Scandinavia, identified key challenges in the construction industry and developed Worker.nu as a solution for business and workforce management.

Today, Worker.nu is successfully used by over 150 companies in Lithuania and many others in Scandinavia. We continuously improve our system based on client needs, aiming to become the leading construction business optimization platform in Lithuania and Scandinavia.

Is all my information safe?
All data is encrypted and inaccessible to anyone except you. The system's servers are located in various countries of the world, so it's not possible physically access them.
Do I need to sign long-term contract?
There is no long-term contract, you can use the system as long as you pay the monthly fee.
Is it difficult to integrate this system into the company?
Definitely not. However, it needs a little effort and a little time in the beginning. We will train you and help to integrate the system in your company in the fastest way.

Need help?

Contact us
Head of operations +3706 52 44 342 [email protected]
Sales executive +3706 53 22 020 [email protected]