Hourly time tracking by GPS location for construction companies

How Hourly time tracking by GPS location feature boosts efficiency and simplifies business operations?
Employee location tracking during work hours
Saves money and time
Prevents time theft
Reduces the risk of conflicts
Boost in productivity guaranteed
Increases project efficiency
Simple for you, easier for your employees

Easily create multiple GPS locations
How to set a GPS zone?
Easily add a GPS location to new or existing projects. Choose a location on the map or enter an address, and customize the work zone radius to fit where your employees will operate..

Monitor employee accountability
The hours report shows all key employee shift statistics.
How much can you save with Worker.nu - Hourly time tracking by GPS location
Choose a product to start with:
Worker.nu offers the best value in its class. Focus on savings, not spending
5 €/mo.
per employee
7 €/mo.
per employee
5 €/mo.
per employee
Clear Tracking, No Misunderstandings
User-Friendly for All Ages
Your Data is 100% Secure
Our system has more features!
Worker.nu offers many other useful features that will help you manage your business efficiently. Hourly time tracking by GPS location for constuction companies
Success stories from Worker.nu users
I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life easier!
After we started using the program in our company, clients became much more satisfied with the work reports I send them directly from the system. Administrative tasks have been reduced.
I’m truly satisfied with your program. I save a lot of time since I no longer need to distribute timesheets to employees. Every day, I can see who worked how much and what they accomplished. It’s much more convenient to work this way.
It really saves a lot of time—no more struggling to ‘decode’ what employees wrote in illegible handwriting. Now, instead of spending the weekend deciphering, I can verify everything in 5 minutes. Highly recommended.
Going from 5 workers to 25 was much more easier for me and for the company because of your software guys. Every day tasks, which takes time to do is done in worker really fast.
About us
Hello! We are Worker.nu – an innovative platform created by Lithuanians, built on the experience of our founders, Mantas and Mindaugas, in the construction sector. Our main goal is simple and efficient work hour documentation that makes tasks easier for both managers and employees.
Mantas and Mindaugas, with years of experience in Scandinavia, identified key challenges in the construction industry and developed Worker.nu as a solution for business and workforce management.
Today, Worker.nu is successfully used by over 150 companies in Lithuania and many others in Scandinavia. We continuously improve our system based on client needs, aiming to become the leading construction business optimization platform in Lithuania and Scandinavia.
Is all my information safe?
Do I need to sign long-term contract?
Is it difficult to integrate this system into the company?
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