Our goal - to save your precious time!

Convenient construction business management optimization organization system

The program is designed for companies to save costs by facilitating the company growth, workers, and their hours administration, project management as well as controlling the company tools.

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More than 150 satisfied clients
#1 assistance tool at the company

Forget the never-ending administrative difficulties - have enough time for what's important.

The system is designed for any construction worker!

Hours registration
Hours registration
Registration of working hours, reports with photos and comments, documentation for clients, tools to evaluate employee's efficiency, employee's calendar with work plans.
GPS Check In/Out
GPS Check In/Out
Easily track employee hours and locations, reduce time waste, and improve productivity. Get real-time insights and automatic alerts for any out-of-zone logouts.
Tools control
Database of all company's tools by using QR code stickers. Track employee tool inventories which have regular updates, as well as, the distribution of tools and the history of their movement.
Hours registration
Registration of working hours, reports with photos and comments, documentation for clients, tools to evaluate employee's efficiency, employee's calendar with work plans.
Projects management
Set your project hours, identify hour distribution by task and location, registration of additional tasks and work issues, management of illnesses and holiday requests.
Tools control
Database of all company's tools by using QR code stickers. Track employee tool inventories which have regular updates, as well as, the distribution of tools and the history of their movement.
Significantly reduces administrative work
The system collects, organizes and conveniently presents employees' hourly reports to required persons.
Reduces "burned" working hours
With only a few clicks you can easily access the reports of the spent hours and their efficiency of use.
Allows to select different languages
Employees can use the program in Lithuanian, English and Russian
Created to simplify everything as much as possible
The system is not difficult and can be used by any worker who has a smartphone.
Works on any smart device
Employees don't need to download any apps, create logins or register on websites.
Information is 100% secure and inaccessible to anyone
No one except you can't log in to the system and access the data or information.

Registration of working hours

If your employees are still filling out hours on worksheet papers, then you are wasting a lot of time trying to "decrypt" given information and rewriting it in your usual way. Not only will you save a lot of time by using the worker.nu program, but you will also be able to find out in real time how many hours each employee has worked on or how many hours each employee has worked in total.
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Possibility to add photos and comments
All added photos can be used for "quality control".
Following total project hours
You can quickly see how many hours in total have been used up in the project.
Smart reports, .pdf reports for the clients
By providing such detailed reports, you can look like a much more reliable company.
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Tools control (stocktake)

With the worker.nu program, you can always know which tools your employees have and which tools are in stock. You will no longer need to call employees-you can find all the necessary information in the system. In addition, you will be able to initiate a tool balancing feature monthly and employees will have to scan their entire inventory, then unbalanced tools will be quickly identified. The system stores the history of the tool, so you can always see who had it and where it was.
Get know that tools the company has
Detailed report about available tools.
Search of tools in the system
It will be easy for you or your employees to find what tools you need.
Monthly tools inspection
This can reduce the amount of lost tools.

On average, how much can you save by using worker.nu system?

Enter the number of your employees and projects below and we will calculate how much can you save per year by using the worker.nu administration system. You can safe your company money because the system will do a lot of administrative work for you atuomatically.

Kiek jūs išleidžiate sistemai "Worker" / How much you spend for "Worker" system
Kiek sutaupote per mėn
Kiek sutaupote per metus


This is the cheapest system of its kind in its category. Calculate not how much you spend, but how much can you save.

Hours registration

5€/per month

For 1 employee

VIP help
Following of total hours
Detailed reports
Easy to use
Hours registration + tools control

7€/per month

For 1 employee

VIP help
No long-term obligations
Saves your time
Information is 100% secured
Easy to use
Quality control
Tools control

5€/per month

For 1 employee

VIP help
No long-term obligations
List of all company tools
Monthly tools stock-taking
Easy to use for everyone
The program is designed to be extremely simple and straightforward, so even older workers will have no problem using it.
Designed for colleagues
The program is based on the experience gained while working in the Danish construction sector and is designed for use by Scandinavian construction companies.
Professional presentation
The system creates the professional looking reports of working hours that customers can expect.


What do companies say about the worker.nu system who already uses it?

Kodėl verta rinktis worker.nu programą?

Sistema veikia visuose įrenginiuose, jos nereikia siųstis ar į ją registruotis
Jūsų informacija išlieka 100% saugi ir niekam nepasiekiama
Pigiausia tokio tipo išmani programa rinkoje
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Is all my information safe?
YES! All data is encrypted and inaccessible to anyone except you. The system's servers are located in various countries of the world, so it's not possible physically access them.
Do I need to sign long-term contract?
There is no long-term contract, you can use the system as long as you pay the monthly fee.
Is it difficult to integrate this system into the company?
Definitely not. However, it needs a little effort and a little time at the beginning. We will train you and help to integrate the system in your company in the fastest way.

Do you have any questions?

If you still have questions how does system works, you can call us: +45 52 73 11 83 (Denmark)
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