Our goal - to save your precious time!
Convenient construction business management optimization organization system
The program is designed for companies to save costs by facilitating the company growth, workers, and their hours administration, project management as well as controlling the company tools.

Forget the never-ending administrative difficulties - have enough time for what's important.
The system is designed for any construction worker!
Hours registration
Projects management
Tools control
Significantly reduces administrative work
Reduces "burned" working hours
Allows to select different languages
Created to simplify everything as much as possible
Works on any smart device
Information is 100% secure and inaccessible to anyone
Registration of working hours

Possibility to add photos and comments
Following total project hours
Smart reports, .pdf reports for the clients

Tools control (stocktake)
Get know that tools the company has
Search of tools in the system
Monthly tools inspection
On average, how much can you save by using worker.nu system?
This is the cheapest system of its kind in its category. Calculate not how much you spend, but how much can you save.
5€/per month
For 1 employee
7€/per month
For 1 employee
5€/per month
For 1 employee
Easy to use for everyone
Designed for colleagues
Professional presentation
What do companies say about the worker.nu system who already uses it?
I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life easier!
Poto kai pradėjome įmonėje naudoti programą klientai liko daug labiau patenkinti ataskaitosmis už darbus kurias jiems siunčiu tiesiai is programos. Sumazėjo administracinių darbų
Tikrai esu patenkintas Jūsų programa. Sutaupau nemžai laiko, kad neberikia darbuotojams dalinti lapų kur pildyti valandas. Kiekvieną dieną matau kas kiek dirbu ir ka padarė. Daug patogiau taip dirbti.
Tikrai labai taupo laiko, nebereikai vargti ir "šifruoti" ką nesuskaitomu raštu parašė darbuotojai. Savaitgalį vietoj šifravimo atsiradau atsaksita ir viską per 5minutes sutikrinu. Rekomenduojame.
Going from 5 workers to 25 was much more easier for me and for the company because of your software guys. Every day tasks, which takes time to do is done in worker really fast.
Kodėl verta rinktis worker.nu programą?
Sistema veikia visuose įrenginiuose, jos nereikia siųstis ar į ją registruotis
Jūsų informacija išlieka 100% saugi ir niekam nepasiekiama
Pigiausia tokio tipo išmani programa rinkoje

Is all my information safe?
Do I need to sign long-term contract?
Is it difficult to integrate this system into the company?
Do you have any questions?
Pradėk jau dabar
Užsiregistruokite Jums tinkamu laiku ir video konferencijos metu pasitarsime, kaip geriausiai Worker.nu gali padėti Jūsų įmonei.